Claim the Ownership of Your Brand’s DAS Name!
2 min readAug 31, 2021


🔥 Recently, the ownership of DAS reserved account is started to be claimed.

imToken successfully verified and claimed imtoken.bit!
WePiggy successfully verified and claimed wepiggy.bit!
TokenPocket is now claiming tokenpocket.bit!

imToken successfully verified and claimed imtoken.bit
WePiggy successfully verified and claimed wepiggy.bit
TokenPocket is now claiming tokenpocket.bit!

To prevent malicious use of the brand in the real world, DAS has a reserved list. It can only be claimed by the corresponding organization or individual. Reserved List

👨‍🚀 How to claim a reserved DAS name?

If your brand name is on the reserved list, you can claim it by the following steps.

  1. Tweet to start your claim.
    Use your official Twitter account, put the address in the tweet and tag @realDASystems.

E.g We are so happy to claim the “xxx.bit” to our address: 0x4De19D0D530e1a3F781030Ef7950F9494b65cbE5 from @realDASystems today.

Then DAS Team will verify.

2. After verified, you will claim your brand name successfully. Tweet to tell everyone the good news!

E.g We have successfully claimed the ownership of “xxx.bit” for having participated and fulfilled the verification requirements of the DAS
@realDASystems Branding Reserved Program.

🎉 Congratulations!

👩‍🚀 How to apply to protect my brand name?

If your brand isn’t in the DAS reserved list, you can now submit accounts if you think they should be reserved.

  • Round 1 has closed before DAS launch.
  • Round 2 is now open till September 10th. Send pull requests and submit here:


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