DAS — Your Decentralized Identity(DID) in Web 3.0

8 min readNov 17, 2021


Hi, we want to talk to you about the beginnings and vision of DAS. DAS team has spent a lot of time exploring what a truly decentralized identity protocol for Web 3.0 would be, and eventually DAS comes. DAS supports multi-chain, low cost with no GAS fee, and is expanding its ecosystem rapidly.

Vision: DAS to the crypto world is what Phone/Email to the internet.

DAS — Your Decentralized Identity(DID) in Web 3.0

Questions that will get answers during the article:

· Why is a DID a necessary passport for Web 3.0?
· What capabilities/features should a typical DID have?
· Why is DAS the only DID for Web 3.0?


  • A DID is both your essential ID card and your voting weight credential and capability credential in a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).
  • With cross-chain capability, low cost feature, and a growing ecosystem, DAS is the true DID.
  • DAS supports multiple payment methods such as ETH/TRX/CKB, and there is no cost or GAS to manage and use DAS.
  • With DAS, you have a unified digital assets collection account and a cross-chain NFT exhibition site at xxx.bit.cc.
  • The DAS registration tutorial is at the end of this article.
DAS — Your Decentralized Identity(DID) in Web 3.0

Ⅰ. Why DID is a necessary passport for Web 3.0?

In the Web 3.0 world, there are individuals and organizations alike, and each individual should have its own identity and participate in organizational activities.

DID is your identity in Web 3.0

In the Web 3.0 world, you can find 16-bit long addresses (0xe2dB…9343) everywhere, whether you use DApps like DeFi, NFT, games, social, gambling, or apps like wallets and exchanges. But it seems that no one realizes the importance of these lengthy addresses and their unreasonable difficulty in remembering them. In fact, in the world of Web 3.0, these lengthy addresses are as important as your phone number in your life. We cannot emphasize too much the importance of DID in Web 3.0.

So, is there an easy-to-read account or identity that can bring all these cold addresses together?

Of course, DID can do it. It doubles as the traditional Domain Name Service (DNS) of the Internet, providing a human-readable domain name service. For example, when a friend transfers BTC or ETH to you, instead of entering a lengthy address, he can easily enter alice.bit. Likewise, DID is a decentralized identity in its own right. When you enter DApps, you can no longer see cold “0x…” address, but players “alice.bit”, “Bob. bit”…

Transfer with a DAS account

DID is a voting weight and a capability credential for participation in the governance of DAOs

There is no doubt that DAOs have become one of the systemically important members of Web 3.0, but how to fairly conduct DAO governance is still in the early stages of experimentation. Currently, the popular token governance model has significant drawbacks. A one-coin, one-vote system will lead to a DAO governance that favors capital at the expense of those who actively contribute but do not have a lot of tokens. This ultimately attracts a large number of speculators and leads to a vicious cycle.

Under Token-based governance, the introduction of DIDs effectively eliminates the disadvantages of capital control. DIDs provide members with an independent identity that records their contributions, value and reputation, and are important competency credentials. At the same time, DIDs enable DAOs to better evaluate members’ contributions and assign corresponding voting weights, thus enabling more accurate quantitative governance. In addition, based on its high transparency and verifiability, DIDs can also serve as a resume for joining other DAOs.

Thus, a more ideal and fairer DAO governance must be based on Token and DID. The token is the voting credential, and DID is the voting weight credential and capability credential.

Ⅱ. Why DAS is the real DID of Web 3.0?

Nowadays, there are different DIDs in the market, so how do we choose? What is a true DID, and what are the capabilities/features a true DID should have?

Cross-chain capability is the solid foundation for a DID to survive, and DAS supports all public chains to register

Blockchain is an important component of the Web 3.0 world, and blockchain is composed of different public chains. Therefore, cross-chain capability is a must for DID to become an infrastructure in Web 3.0. In other words, DID with cross-chain capability will be able to stand firm in the Web 3.0 world. Because they are not hindered by the cross-chain bottleneck, while those that only support single-chain DIDs will be phased out.

The most important feature of DAS is its cross-chain capability, supporting registering with any public chain address. This is made possible by the highly scalable Nervos CKB public chain on which DAS is based. Any public chain can naturally use DAS without any modification. Now, DAS already supports registering with ETH and TRON address, and more public chains are coming. So far, no other DID has cross-chain capability except DAS.

The structure of a DAS account

Low cost of use is a necessary condition for a DID to be used widely, and DAS is managed, used, bought and sold at 0 GAS

As we know, universality is one of the essential properties of the infrastructure, and DIDs as infrastructure must be widely available. It is not destined to become an infrastructure if only capital can afford its cost of use. Therefore, a DID must be affordable and accessible to the public.

In terms of pricing, DAS uses an annual fee system. The price is based on existing domain name services, with an annual fee of $5 for accounts of 5 characters and above, and additional pricing for shorter accounts due to their rarity. $5 is an affordable price for everyone, and it effectively prevents speculators from occupying thousands of accounts at a time. Regarding the reasons for adopting the annual fee system instead of the perpetual system, there are two main reasons: one is that the annual fee system can drive the team to maintain the system and promote the ecological construction, otherwise the team will focus on the quantity of registered accounts; the other is that the annual fee system can effectively guarantee the recycling of public resources. If the permanent system is adopted, once the private key is lost, the account will be permanently abandoned.

After registration, all management and editing operations in the DAS account do not require any fees or GAS, and no GAS is required to buy and sell DAS. This ensures the ease of use and popularity of DAS.

Annual fee of DAS
Action fee of DAS

The coverage of application integration is the key factor to decide whether a DID can live for a long time, and the DAS ecosystem is expanding rapidly.

A shiny diamond is only a stone if it is buried in the desert and not being used by anyone. Similarly, if a DID is not widely integrated by major wallets and applications, it will be worthless. Thus, the coverage and influence of application integration is the key factor to evaluate whether a DID can go far in Web 3.0.

The DAS ecosystem is expanding at a rapid pace. In the past three months since its launch, mainstream wallets such as imToken, TokenPocket, Huobi Wallet, AlphaWallet, BitKeep, HyperPay and Mibao NFT platform have integrated DAS to support quick completion of digital asset transfer via .bit accounts. In addition, NFT data platforms such as NFTSCAN and NFTGO have also integrated DAS, with site-wide support for resolving .bit accounts. At the same time, registrars dename.com and gogodas.com are supporting additional payment methods, transactions and other features. The number of DAS-integrated applications continues to grow, and DAS continues to drive integration, consensus and impact.


In summary, we can see that a DID that can stand in Web 3.0 and be used by the public must have cross-chain capability, low cost feature, and a growing ecosystem. Thus, DAS comes with natural cross-chain capabilities and low cost feature.Although DAS is currently integrated with major wallets and data browsers, it is not enough. What DAS wants to do is to make DAS available to every chain, enable everyone to register DAS, and enable every DApp to enjoy the convenience of DAS.

Compare DAS with other domain name services

Ⅲ. Enter DAS

So, what is DAS, how to register DAS, and what are the usages? Next, let’s take a deeper look into DAS.

What is DAS?

DAS is a cross-chain decentralized account system. It can be used as a digital currency collection account, or as an account to access general internet services. DAS has powerful cross-chain capabilities and supports ETH/BSC/TRON and any other public chain address. hi.bit, 你好.bit, こんにちは.bit, 🚀🌕.bit, 안녕하세요.bit, Привет.bit and Bonjour.bit are all DAS accounts.

How to register a DAS in 5 minutes with 0 GAS?

Before we begin, let’s take a look at the DAS account release rules. DAS goes live on July 22, 2021, and all accounts with 10 or more digits are currently released, and 35% of accounts with 4–9 digits are released randomly. As of November 17, 2021, the number of registered accounts has exceeded 37,000 and the number of unique Owner addresses has exceeded 12,000.

Currently, DAS already supports registering with ETH/BSC/TRON address, and supports various payment methods such as ETH/TRX/CKB/USDT(TRC20), you can choose according to your needs.

Here are 2 recommended registration methods:

1. Login with Email or mobile phone number, pay with CKB/USDT(TRC20), transfer to your ETH wallet address to manage after registration

Choose DeName registrar and login with email/mobile/ETH address. After registration, you can transfer your DAS account to ETH/TRON address for management at any time. After transferring out, go to DAS registrar and log in with the corresponding ETH/TRON address to manage your account resolution records.
- Transfer out/manage DAS: 0 Fee 0 GAS

2. Log in and Pay with TRX

Select GOGODAS/DAS registrar and login with your TRON address to register.
- Recommended wallets: imToken, TokenPocket, TronLink

Additional benefits of owning a DAS

With DAS, you will never have to worry about entering the wrong wallet address and everyone else in the crypto world will be able to interact with you easily. In addition, you will be able to use DAS to build your decentralized personal page (e.g https://topbidder.bit.cc) to showcase your NFTs on different chains.

Show your NFTs on xxx.bit.cc (e.g https://topbidder.bit.cc)

Not only that, but DAS follows the NFT standard on the Nervos CKB and can be used as an NFT, which is the same as any other NFT you have. It means that you can buy, sell, auction, trade or transfer to other wallets, accounts and exchanges.

BestDAS- Decentralized marketplace for DAS with 0 GAS

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d.id team leverages decentralized identity to empower identity building and community growth. Shaping us, shaping you. (https://d.id)